Aman "UnGuru" Motwane

The man who's been leading the Revolution
to change how business does business
long before most even realized there's a Revolution!
Quick Bio
Aman holds degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology and a Master’s from Stanford University, which he received in 9 months. But he’s the first to point out that education and information are worth nothing if you aren't adept at using it.

Hailed by Tom Peters for bringing his company out of the doldrums, almost overnight, heralded by the media as the UnGuru because he is such a convention-breaker, Aman Motwane is the man behind the movement to change how the world of business does business — Skills 2.0.

Aman has been dubbed
by the media
as the UnGuru
because he is unlike
almost every expert,
guru, trainer, coach
or consultant
What's an UnGuru?
Most gurus today teach you
their insights — which is often entertaining but very rarely useful
Un Guru guides you — and your employees — to become insightfulyourself
Most gurus train you with the "best practices" — which quickly become
obsolete practices
Un Guru guides you totranscend best practices … and be at the forefront withnext practices
Gurus train you in bits and pieces — for example, leadership
separate from innovationseparate from employee engagement — even though they're allinterdependent
Un Guruintegrates your learning so that you ramp upsimultaneously across all the skills you need to excel — inone fellswoop . This makes youun stoppable
Lost in
a maze of
best practices,
vision statements,
mission statements,
and …
and … ?

Can You Afford
to Ignore What
Aman is Saying?
"Why don't our people give us their best?"
With business today so unpredictable and fast-moving, we
There's a reason: it's because we're still using the same techniques and practices we relied on yesterday. Many of those practices were designed for a different era. They’re
It's time to move up to the next level and learn to cultivate an environment where creativity and productivity blossom —
on their own . Where being perceptive and engaged are asautomatic as breathing.
But who, besides Aman Motwane, is guiding us up to this
Here is a small sampling of the many acknowledgements received by Aman Motwane:
Below is a list of some of Aman's media appearances, many of them front page stories:
Just a few of the nationally-known companies whose representatives have turned to Aman’s books and programs for guidance:
Lavish Praise
For Aman’s Work:
Joe Dickey
Big-Sky Retreat, MT
(celebrating 30+ years)
Glenn Mosley
Association of Unity Churches
Elaine Whittington
Past National President
National Association of Purchasing Management
Michael Moran
Julie Armstrong
Conference Chair, AZSHRM
John W. Sanford
Program Chair
MISHRM State Conference
Kay Boles, CMP, CMM, CHE
VP, Education MPISCC
UCLA Conference Services
Dan Wallace
Idea Food, Inc
Judi Froehlich, CMM
Director, Business Development
BCD Meetings & Incentives
Eldonna Gossett
President & CEO
Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce
Bob Hensz
Debbie Siday
HR Director
Kate Volman
Director of Programs
Greater Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce
Ivana Sifuentes, MBA, SPHR
Programs Chair
PIHRA Newport Beach
Marty Cournan
President of Business Development
SB, Scottsdale, AZ
Julie Hillyard
Telenect, Camas, WA
Sonja Talley, MA, PHR
Conference Chair, AZSHRM
Greg Fuson
PCBC Strategy & Innovation Conference
Kevin Anderson
Director, OD
Thomson Reuters