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How do you reduce turnover? How do you get employees engaged? What are best tools for employee surveys? Such questions are posted all over the internet. And most of the answers will give you the opposite effect of what you ...

When turnover is high …

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If HR wants a seat at the strategic table, then HR must actually be, well, strategic. This means identifying and shepherding changes that could make or break the company. But most of the advice today just doesn’t reach ...

Why HR Still Isn’t a Strategic Partner

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Steve Jobs said, “In business, a lot of things are folklore.” Yet despite the fundamental changes in business in recent times, most people still waste their valuable resources on such folklore. They just have fancier ...

The real reason high performers are so rare

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How good are you at asking questions? When was the last time you considered what questions you should ask YOURSELF before making a decision or taking an action? Why don’t most leaders consider the ability to ask questions ...

The Art of Asking Questions

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At Harvard Business Review, Peter Bregman says the best stress-reducing strategy is to either change the reality around you or change your expectations. No. Your best strategy is to confront this reality — ...

The Best Strategy for Reducing Stress

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Can you figure out the crucial element missing from this checklist BEFORE you read my analysis below? At Forbes, Stephanie Taylor Christensen offers a 5-point checklist for spotting a bad boss. Her focus is on ...

5 Ways To Spot A Bad Boss In An Interview

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Most leaders today are Level 1. They spoon feed answers to their direct reports. ...

what Level are you as a Leader?

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Some things just can't be taught. Yet, it doesn't stop everyone from trying their best to learn them. In business circles, I'm constantly bumping into executives and professionals desperately trying to learn how ...

some things can’t be taught

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Am I the only one who has noticed that the number of blogs and posts about bullies, naysayers, negative people and a**holes in the workplace has skyrocketed in recent times? ...

a**holes in the workplace

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If you have inundated your employees in procedures, policies, manuals, scripts and mission/vision statements, you are simply not doing your job as a leader. Your job as a leader is to make sure employees have absolutely no ...

make every day a bring your brain to work day

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Ever wonder why your employees don’t listen to you? Or for that matter, why your teenager gives you a deaf ear? ...

why employees don’t listen

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In my public talks, by far the strongest reaction I get from audiences is when I tell them their basic management style can be distilled down to these five words: ...

the brutal price of conformity