Empowerment, as it's practiced in most companies, can be boiled down to 9 words — ...
the dirty secret behind empowerment
At home or at work, who is the person to whom you’re most likely to turn when you need practical answers or solutions? ...
who do you turn to when you need answers?
"I personally hate the term 'best practices' because it's almost like a way to race to be just like everyone else," Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, says. ...
Why Tony Hsieh (Zappos) hates Best Practices. And why you should too
Your Core Values should be about making your company great. But most companies confuse that with feeling good. ...
Painful to Watch: How did they pull this off?
At most companies, employee surveys and employee engagement initiatives make things worse. Here’s why — ...
the shocking truth about employee surveys
The effort expended and the punishment endured in remaining ordinary often exceed the effort and grief requisite for the attainment of a most marked achievement. ...
the price of choosing ordinary
When the answers (or best practices) you followed don’t work, there’s always someone waiting in the wings to give you even more answers (or best practices). ...
‘We should’ve known better’ Part 2
Everyone’s had a ‘I should’ve known better’ moment. So, what’s essential is what you learned from it. But I’ve found that very few learn the lesson they should have learned. Which makes them vulnerable to many ...
Painful to Watch: ‘We should’ve known better’
This is a question that just keeps popping up everywhere. Over and over again.
Why are we still quibbling about the wrong details? ...
should you hire for talent or attitude?
Most people are still looking at 21st Century business through a 20th Century lens.
You can’t afford to do this anymore.
With a 20th Century Lens, you look at business in bits and pieces. With a 21st Century Lens, ...
why your results come in bits and pieces
We all know about the education crisis in schools and colleges. But the real education crisis is in business. Business needs a radical overhaul of training and practices.
Why is this getting so little attention? Why is ...
Are you killing creativity?
It’s an epidemic.
Someone posts a list of answers, rules, laws, philosophies, theories, best practices, “what’s-in-what’s-out,” ad infinitum.
Readers chime in. Intellectualize. Split hairs. Pontificate on ...
Do you have protection?